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Kitchen garden

from the kitchen garden

28 April 2022

Autumn colours 2022

The farm is flushed with a blaze of autumn colour. Everywhere I turn is a photographer's dream, with beautiful golden and red glowing subjects. Here is a snapshot of this year's autumn display. PHOTO1 PHOTO2 PHOTO3 PHOTO4 PHOTO5 PHOTO6... more

15 January 2022

Summer Harvest

Here we are in the thick of summer enjoying our beautiful farm fresh vegetables. Our vegetable gardens have absolutely loved the rainy summer, although many plants struggled to establish. The rain and cool weather was tough on tomatoes and our... more

1 October 2021

Project kitchen garden

We have been busy getting some raised beds ready for spring planting. I have a bunch of seedlings growing in the cold frames. I have started lots of seeds inside on heat mats and also have a cold frame set up with heat mats to extend the growing... more

22 February 2021

Blackberry harvest

The blackberries are in season and we have a lovely little patch of blackberries growing on a rocky knoll near one of our dams. It was a bit of a prickly job picking a bucket full but it was worth every minute. PHOTO1 For the last week of... more

1 February 2021

Crab Apple Jelly

Late summer and autumn is a wonderful time for preserving the garden harvest. The crab apples ripen and its time to make jelly. I picked these wonderful crabapples at friend's farm, an amazing property located not too far out of Berridale. We... more

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