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Keeping it local

On the banks of the Snowy River

8 March, 2021  |  Autumn, Country Living, Crabapples, Dalgety, Horses, Jellies, Monaro, New South Wales, Preserves, Show, Snowy Mountains, Tree Change

What perfect weather we had this past weekend, for the 77th annual Dalgety show. It is wonderful that our country shows are back after being shut down in 2020 due to COVID. I swear the sun was shining its happiness on these gorgeous show grounds, on the banks of the Snowy River.

Country shows are full of colourful exhibits from prize vegetable through to stud rams.

Preserves and condiments are fiercely contested and I was very happy to receive a first prize for my crabapple jelly. The beautiful crabapples were picked locally at Cootralantra, on a friend's farm.

There are always plenty of animal competitions at a country show, including lots of horse events. We took Clem, our young stock horse and are very proud that he won champion led Australian Stock Horse.

The animal exhibits are always crowd pleasers, particularly the yard dog trials. There are plenty of coiffed chooks to admire as well.

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