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Wattle time

1 September, 2021  |  Country Living, Farm, Monaro, New South Wales, Scenery, Snowy Mountains, Spring

The 1st of September is Wattle day in Australia. The glorious golden wattles signal the start of spring. These beautiful natives are dotting the landscape with the gold and green colours of Australia.

It's early spring on the farm and we are loving the early spring blooms. There are lots of blossoms to keep the bees busy. The apricot tree is buzzing with busy little workers evoking delicious thoughts of apricots and honey.

Daffodils and jonquils are flowering everywhere; their sunny faces a welcoming sight in the garden. We planted lots of new bulbs in autumn, Daffodils are a safe bet in our landscape because the roos and deers don't seem to touch them.

The landscape is changing from the neutral tones of winter into the vibrant colours of spring

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