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Horse tales

1 November, 2021  |  Country Living, Horses, Farm, Farmlife

If you visit Eagles Range, you will likely meet our horses. The three black horses are Australian Stock Horses and the bay horse is a Thoroughbred, ex racehorse. Australian Stock Horses have a long history in Australia; the "Walers" of the Lighthorse brigade were stock horses. With thoroughbred lineage, they are also a foundation breed of the Snowy Mountain Brumbies.

Magnolia (Daintree Magnolia) is the tallest black horse with a star. She turned 6 in December 2021.

Rosie (Daintree Rosie) is the black horse with the white blaze. She is only 5 years old and Maggie's younger sister.

Clem (Rainwood Park Clemette) is the shorter black horse with a star. He is also 6 years old.

Howie is named from Howzat, because his racing name was Got'Im (as in when you get bowled out at cricket). He is also only 5 years old. He was imported from New Zealand and we were so lucky to be given him, as he was just not fast enough. He had two barrier trials and two race starts where I think he managed a last place in each. He has certainly won our hearts though.

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